Chapter ∞
We all share one common destination - Towards Greater Happiness.
There are two types of Happiness: Temporary and Everlasting.
Temporary Happiness is just but a part of the greater Journey.
Everlasting Happiness is the destination. To create it, we transform the Suffering States of the mind.
The journey of Self-Transformation can only progress with Knowing because we can only address the Sufferings as much as we know about it.
It is through Stillness that the Knowing of The Self can deepen.
The Seed Cause of all our Sufferings is the Negative Ideas we have become attached to within.
Negative Ideas are Ideas which promote the Rejection of The Self i.e. "It is not ok..."
With greater Stillness comes greater Self-Knowing.
With creater Self-Knowing comes greater Self-Transformation.
By inverting our Negative Ideas we can gain a glimpse of the greater journey ahead.
I.e. From "It is not ok..." --> "It is ok..."
Use the knowledge shared with you on this website as a catalyst to accelerate your journey of Self-Transformation!
Creation Within Creation
We have reached the end of the Chapters
Or is it the beginning of your journey?
Ahead of us,
Is a journey towards Greater Happiness and Freedom.
Ahead of us,
Are mysteries waiting to be explored and unvieled:
"What are my Fears?"
"What are the causes of my sufferings?"
"What are my Deeper Desires in Life?"
"What is the purpose of my existence?"
Is it not by taking the journey into oneself,
That one can discover the answers?
The more you venture inwards.
The more you will see the truth of The Self.
And also, the truth of Creation!
Like knowing a piece of rock, one can come to know the mountains.
Or by studying the waters of the ocean, one can come to know the clouds.
By looking into the Infinite Self, one will Ultimately Know All There Is To Know.
For Creation will always contains the Creator's reflections.
As the Universe Around us is Infinite.
So is the Universe Within.
Study yourself to study the world!
Continue to move onward to Know Infinity
To Know the Person behind the Personality
To Know the Creator behind the Creation
Know Yourself
Creation Within Creation

Begin your Journey of Self-Transformation here!