Creation Within Creation
butterfly butterfly

Chapter VII


Journey Into Darkness

The key to Self-Transformation is Self-Acceptance. But as you journey inwards to develop Self-Acceptance, you are bound to face great challenges and confusions.

How to accept someone we don't like?

How to accept ourselves when we've committted an unforgivable mistakes?

How to accept the experiences of misfortune?

How to accept what one fears?

The darkness of the inward journey can make one abandon the journey of Self-Transformation. That is why this website was created: to help you illuminate that darkness so that you can see clearer the paths to greater happiness!

The knowledge I share with you here are pieces of wisdom I've accumulated through the years of exploring the inward journey.

Use my knowledge as a catalyst to accelerate your own journey!


There will always be ways to accelerate a process.

Let's use the example of pushing a stone wheel.

One can take forever pushing it whilst it's lying flat on the ground. However, if someone comes along and shares the knowledge that it's easier to push the stone wheel upright, one will be able to use that knowledge to push the wheel to their desired destination with less time and effort wasted.

Knowledge thus is a Catalyst.

Through the chapters, you now know that to truly address the Suffering states of mind, the most direct path is inward—to discover and transform the negative beliefs with Self-Acceptance.


"It is not ok to fail." --> "It is ok to fail."

"Is it not ok to be selfish." --> "It is ok to be selfish."

"Is it not ok to stand out." --> "It is ok to stand out."

And so forth.

And now that you know the key to Self-Transformation is Self-Acceptance, you can use that knowledge to develop the intention to move away from the states of Self-Rejection, Self-Judgement, Self-Criticism etc. to accelerate your journey towards greater happiness!

But how to develop Self-Acceptance?

Realize that every moment in life is an opportunity for you to develop Self-Acceptance: in the moments of arguing of argument with someone, of facing a fear, of making a decision, of completing a task, of learning a skill, of chasing your dreams, and so forth.

Life experiences are always waiting for you to learn from them, so that you can distil from them the wisdom of Self-Acceptance.

By carrying the intention to develop Self-Acceptance in every moment, you will be able to learn from your life experiences. However, without developing Stillness and Self-Knowing, progress will be slow. That is why this website was created to guide you on the straightest path!

How to use this website?

You will be able to find various information on how to transform different kinds of Sufferings on the Catalysts Section of this website. There, you will find many articles / videos / tips to help you to know more about yourself and clear some of the confusions you may have as you journey into yourself.

And on the course page, you'll be able to find One course for everything you need to know about the journey—The Self-Transformation Course. The course will guide you step by step into the journey of Self-Transformation so that you can experience the journey of Stillness, of Self-Knowing, of Self-Transformation at the experiential level.

The first 4 weeks of the course will guide you to develop the confidence and experienced knowledge to be your own teacher so that you can complete the journey yourself.

And in the rest of the course you will be able to find tips and catalysts to help you accelerate the journey even more!

Try the course today!

The first week is currently 100% off so that you can experience what the journey is really about!

The course involves daily meditation and life practices so that you can realize yourself from your own internal experience. It is in an audio format so that you can take the course anytime, anywhere!

In these 7 Chapters, we have learnt how to create Everlasting Happiness.

The next chapter is a short summary.

Chapter ∞. Summary

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