Creation Within Creation
butterfly butterfly

Chapter II

Temporary And Everlasting Happiness

Temporary Happiness

There are many things in the world that can bring experiences of joy—luxury cars, elegant clothes, exquisite works of art, beautiful women, handsome men, delicious food, and so forth.

Seizing for things that attract the senses is one way to create happiness in life. However, happiness that is obtained from reaching outwards will always be temporary by nature.

This is because one will, with time, lose interest in them. For instance, one can become bored with the person they're married to, with playing the same computer games, with wearing the same old clothes and shoes, and so forth.

Even if one's interest in things remain unfaded with time, guess what great pains awaits when one loses their items of joy?

With time, life experiences will eventually teach us that the quality of happiness created through reaching for worldly things are always be temporary, that it's only a matter of time before the joy of the moment disappears. That is why if one uses Temporary Happiness as a bearing for their direction in life, one will only end up stuck in a loop of creating happiness but only to lose it again.

Now, the point here is not to say that Temporary Happiness is bad and must be avoided at all costs. All experiences in life are valuable!

The point here is to help you become aware of the temporary nature of happiness, so that you can release yourself from becoming so attached to it.

Because it is then, you may start questioning for other ways to create happiness, one that can bring you greater fulfillment—or even, Everlasting Happiness!

Towards Everlasting Happiness—That is the journey of Self-Transformation!

Everlasting Happiness

How to create Everlasting Happiness?

Everlasting Happiness is Created through Transforming and Releasing the Suffering States of Mind.

What are the Suffering States of Mind?

We are Suffering whenever we are experiencing some form of Unhappiness, for instance, the states of jealousy, fears, resentment, worries, and so forth—basically, when we are experiencing any negative emotions, thoughts, or sensations.

It's only when we look within, we can realize that every day, we are suffering in one form or another.

Become aware of these suffering moments!

For example—

The moments of discomfort.

The moments of anger when we talk to someone.

The moments of worry.

The moments of experiencing fear.

The moments of stress when we are at work.

The moments of vulnerability.

These are just some examples of the suffering states of mind one can experience in any given moment.

And there so much more sufferings waiting to be discovered that are currently hidden from the sight of one's conscious mind!

Realize how much your Sufferings can Limit your Experience of Happiness.


Realize how much happiness will be rewarded through transforming them.

Imagine living a life without fears, without worries, without anger.


Transforming our Sufferings is the process of Potentiating The Self.

Potentiation in this context means expanding our potential to express, create, and be our Truer Selves.

It's true, we are Infinite In potential!

The more one Potentiates Oneself, the greater happiness one will experience in every moment. The Happiness created through Potentiation will always be Everlasting because it flows from within than borrowed from an outside source. Happiness created this way will only expand rather than diminish with time.

By transforming the Inner World this way, the Outer World will also be transformed as the quality of our experience in life will always be determined by the quality of the Inner World—the World of Reactions/Perceptions/beliefs.

The more the Inner World becomes beautified, the more beautiful the outside world will appear to one's eyes and mind.

Transform your mind, and you will transform your life!

The Destination is now clear,

Temporary Happiness is but just a part of our Greater Journey in life.

The Greater Destination is towards Everlasting Happiness!

But how do we get there?

How do we transform our Sufferings?

How do we release ourselves from the Fears that is always holding us back from chasing our dreams?

How do we transform our Impatience that is constantly driving us to the edge of frustration?

How do we address the destructive force of Anger that is always tearing our relationships apart?

The journey Self-Transformation begins and progresses with Self-Knowing.

Chapter III. The Journey Progresses With Knowing

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