Chapter III
The Journey Progresses With Knowing
How to make progress on the journey of Self-Transformation?
With Self-Knowing!
Realize that Self-Knowing is the key progress because one can only address their Sufferings as much as they know about it.
For instance, how likely would an angry person address his anger if he is not even aware of it? And even if he is aware that he has anger problems, what steps would he take if he doesn't know how to address it?
Developing Self-Knowing thus is centripetal to making progress on the journey of Self-Transformation!
What is Self-Knowing?
There are depths to Self-Knowing
Developing Self-Knowing is about becoming aware of one's Actions.
And even deeper, of one's Reactions (Thoughts/Emotions) behind the Actions.
And deeper still, of the Causes of one's Reactions.
And like this, one dives deeper and deeper to explore every inch of one's Infinite Consciousness.
To bring light into darkness with Self-Knowing—that is Enlightenment!
Naturally, the more one knows themselves, the more one will naturally realize the Causes of one's Suffering, and in turn, their solutions.
Now, let us now explore what Self-Knowing is even further.
Two Types Of Knowing
1. Unexperienced Knowledge—This is Knowledge gained not from one's actual experience but from somewhere else.
Examples:- Learning about tennis from reading a book.
- Learning about health from advice given from doctors.
- Learning about a stranger by imagining what they might be like
2. Experienced Knowledge—This is the knowledge gained through one's actual experience.
Examples:- Learning about tennis through actually playing tennis.
- Gaining knowledge about the health benefits of a diet from having tried it.
- Knowing more about a stranger through spending time with them.
Developing Self-Knowing is about gaining wisdom and insight into oneself through an inward journey of exploration.
Power Of Experienced Knowledge
Experienced Knowledge has the power to transform the mind!
For instance, reading an inspiring quote can at best give one a Temporary dose of inspiration.
But the realization one earns from going through actual experiences can be Life-Changing.
For instance, observe the difference between a smoker reading about the harmful effects of cigarettes and actually realizing it through developing lung cancer. When one realizes the truth of reality from direct experience, such realizations can shake the beliefs one holds so dearly, helping one to release even the most deeply rooted of habit patterns.
Another reason for Developing Experienced Knowledge is that when one relies on truths from books and others, one can become attached, and in becoming attached, one will no longer refine the truth of what one believes.
Realize that to develop Self-Knowing is to refine what we know about ourselves more and more so that it becomes ever more refined. That is how you can make great progress on the journey of Self-Transformation!
Let us now explore the ways to develop it!